Apologies to all. I know that in my absence, world events have been hidden in a shroud of blackness beyond your ability to learn about them. Between work and little league playoffs and car shopping and combing my hair and publicity for my upcoming album, I’ve just been stretched pretty thin. We had a photo shoot Monday on secret location. And, in anticipation of a limited edition package, which will be available for the new record, I have been speed reading 23 copies of Watership Down, Gary Gnu-style.

I will post at least one song this week. It may be Thursday night. I was working on a song called, “Raising the Roof,” regarding the debt ceiling. It was so-so and I put it down last night. I may try and finish it up. That’s the challenge of these quick news vignettes put to song. Sometimes the idea just doesn’t work the way you intended. But, it’s too late to do anything about it because people the world over need their rap news. My cross.

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